Roland Icking Jazz and Improvisation
15-06-2014, Porgy & Bess, Riemergasse 11, 1010 Vienna

The Porgy & Bess Stageband # 8
MGO (Markus Geiselhart Orchestra) "My Instrument is the Orchestra Vol. 2"

Markus Geiselhart: conductor
Viola Falb: saxophone
Romed Hopfgartner: saxophone
Clemens Salesny: saxophone
Thomas Kugi: saxophone
Markus Osztovics: saxophone
Erik Hainzl: tuba
Robert Bachner: euphonium
Alois Eberl: trombone
Mario Vavti: trombone
Tobias Reisacher: trumpet
Aneel Soomary: trumpet
Mario Rom: trumpet
Axel Mayer: trumpet
Martin Koller: e guitar
Stefan Thaler: double bass
Peter Primus Frosch: drums
Erwin Schmidt: Hammond organ

© Roland Icking